To foreign down and feather exporters:
Recently, several foreign companies that have registered for exporting washed down and feather to China received notifications from China Customs explaining and warning them regarding the inspection of disqualified goods and circumstances at the ports.
To ensure the feather importation of China is not impeded, we would like to remind you the following notice.
1. The processing company exporting washed down and feather to China should have good quality control and ensure that feather is free from mildew, corruption, deterioration, obvious animal feces, other animal tissues, blood clots, and other pollutants.
2. Before the shipping, processing companies should have tests and ensure the turbidity of feather≥50mm. If the exporter has unqualified turbidity tests for multiple times, the China Customs will take certain disciplinary measures.
3. Regarding the goods has disqualified turbidity, a test for Avian Influenza will be required. For negative result, the goods can be released after having fumigation treatment. For positive result, the goods will be notified to return or destroyed.
The testing index of turbidity≥50mm is the minimum requirement for down importation in China. In order to avoid quality problems, such as being returned, destroyed or determined as “solid waste” and being fined, or even punished by cancelling the registration of foreign company exporting down and feather to China, we hope foreign processing and exporting companies have high attention to the quality control of down and feather.
Please click to download PDF: CFDIA's notice to foreign down and feather exporters